Thumbai Plant
This is to share about
thumbai medicinal plant uses and leaves benefits. Alopathy or english medicine always cause some side effect but this is a complete natural medicine. Thumbai poo or Thumbai malar
is the Tamil name for thumbai flower. Thumbai leaves are called Thumbai ilai.
Thumnai oil prepared in ayurvedic medicine is used to cure many
thumbai botanical name:
(Leucas aspera – scientific name)
Thumbai herb
medicinal uses and home remedy
Every part of Thumbai
plant has medicinal values. The leaves and flowers of thumbai plant can be used
to cure many types of diseases. The treatment of thumbai leaves is without any
side effects and can be used for children and adult both. This is mentioned as kasi
thumbai flower or siru thumbai sedi (chedi) in siddha medicine.
One of the well known
thumbai flower uses in Tamil medicine is asthma cure. Thumbai poo and leaves
are considered as a best remedy for asthma. Other respiratory diseases can also
be cured with the inhalation of thumbai leaves. Grind the leaves of the plant
and boil with water. Inhale the steam to get relief.
In villages thumbai
leaves are used to treat snake bite. Victims are advised to chew some thumbai
leaves to reduce the effect of snake bite. If the person is unconscious due to
snake bite, crush and take out juice of thumbai leaves and use as a nasal
Those who are
suffering from sinusitis should inhale the thumbai leaves steam or crush
thumbai flowers and take out juice and apply on nose, throat and chest area.
Juice of Thumbai
flowers or leaves can be used twice a day to cure Ascaris. You can make a
decoction by using leaves and flowers of Thumbai plant. Consume 5 to 6ml of
this decoction two time a day.
Try rubbing crushed
leaves of thumbai over Scorpion bite. Normal cold can be cured by consuming
juice of thumbai leaves thrice a day. Clean thumbai leaves along with mint
leaves and coriander leaves. Take out a juice and consume it to fight against
Boil cumin seeds in
water, after cooling down add 1 tsp juice of thumbai leaves in it. Consume this
water to cure gastric problem instantly.
To treat problem of
pittha, boil thumbai leaves and flowers with water. Grind the mixture and
extract juice. Drink this juice before meals twice a day to treat the condition.
Boil leaves of
thumbai plant in water along with green gram dal. Add a pinch of salt and
crushed chilli for taste. Eat this medicinal curry along with rice daily. This
tasty remedy can cure the problem of tonsillitis easily.
The ladies who are
suffering from menstrual related problem can try thumbai leaves remedy for
treatment. Grind thumbai leaves and mix it in warm cow milk. Drink this milk to
get relief in menstrual problems.